The Color Purple
“The one who wears ‘purple from the neck up’ shepherds us. When she passes, you can faintly hear the sound of drums, harps, and cymbals. Her robes are scented with the smoke from ancient sacred fires.”
This is from a poem by Mary Landry Decker titled Pray for the Ministering Women in which she describes the many aspects of support for Mary, who is dying of breast cancer.
Purple symbolizes mystery and spirituality, a fitting color to symbolize the hope that we all need when dealing with breast cancer or any other devastating disease. It is also a color that is prevalent among early Spring flowers and the color of royalty: a reminder of the importance of each of us- something that is easy to forget when you are down.
Purple is a combination of red (a warm color) and blue (a cool color)- the perfect color to wrap around us, support us, and keep us balanced.